Worship + Justice Movement
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 Addiction + Recovery

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The Reality of Addiction in Alaska

“Alaskans should take note. The month-by-month drumbeat of murders, injuries, vehicle crashes, hypothermia deaths and drownings triggered by people overcome with drink is a familiar dirge across the state, so common that most news stories about the week’s current casualties become news briefs. Alcohol abuse fuels our homegrown epidemic of domestic violence and sexual assault and also contributes to the state’s high rate suicide, according to state health officials and police. Alcohol induced deaths … is three times the national average in Alaska.” — Alaska Dispatch


It takes many forms. Addiction is any thing we turn to for comfort outside of God. Whether it is sex, shopping, Netflix, social media, drugs or alcohol- WE have a problem.

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Community is the answer.

More than ever, the Church — those who call themselves Christians — need to embody the gospel by coming near to the brokenhearted and providing community for those struggling with addiction.

You can be a part of the answer. 

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 Faith-Based Resources for Addiction Recovery in Alaska:

Have you come to a realization that you need support in breaking free from addiction? Has God given you an invitation to join Him in ministering to those struggling with addiction? These are resources to help get you started:

Teen Challenge & Adult Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge a faith-based, one-year, residential discipleship program with the purpose to restore hope to those who suffer from addiction as well as other serious, life-controlling issues.

Fight Club

Fight Club is a Gospel Centered recovery program. Fight Club isn't a 12 step program... it's a group of Real People choosing together to Enjoy God instead of what the world has to offer. 

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling your life. It is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.

For a more comprehensive list of resources for Addiction in Alaska, click here.

Do you know of other faith-based addiction support initiatives? Please fill out the form and share it with us! Let’s build a database of resources for our community!